Kristen Havens is a writer living in Los Angeles. Her fiction and poems have appeared in journals including PANK, Atticus Review, Monkeybicycle, Necessary Fiction, Bending Genres, and Slipstream. She has been a Finalist for the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize and the Howard Frank Mosher Short Fiction Prize and was nominated for the Robert J. Dau Short Fiction Prize for Emerging Writers. A former marketer for a small press and reader for CRAFT literary magazine, she works as a freelance IT contractor, developmental editor, and writer. She is currently writing a novel about technology.

Kristen Havens, Writer and Editor

Recent News

  • "How to Read Poetry: 'Landscape with Houses'," YouTube interview discussing my poem in Bracken with Todd Sullivan (March 11, 2021)
  • "Aftershocks" (flash fiction) appeared in Atticus Review (May 5, 2020).
  • "A Good Sturdy Car for a Young Woman on the Go," (flash fiction), published in Monkeybicycle in February 2020, was assigned reading for Introduction to Creative Writing at Miami University (Spring 2020) and was nominated for inclusion in Best Small Fictions 2021.
  • "Skin Tag" (flash fiction), first published in Bending Genres in April 2019, appeared in the Bending Genres Anthology, 2019-2020.